Responsibility, commitment and perseverance – this is what the 300 or so IHK members from all over Upper Bavaria stand for, who have now been awarded the IHK for Munich and Upper Bavaria medal of honor for at least 10 years of voluntary work on IHK committees. IHK President Klaus Josef Lutz and the President of the Bavarian State Parliament, Ilse Aigner (CSU), as well as Tobias Reiß (also CSU), Vice-President of the Bavarian State Parliament, congratulated them at two celebratory events at the IHK in Munich.
Georg Dettendorfer and Andreas Bensegger were delighted to be awarded the badge of honor by the Chamber of Industry and Commerce for Munich and Upper Bavaria for their more than ten years of voluntary work.
Picture: IHK Managing Director Dr. Manfred Gößl (center) with Georg Dettendorfer (left) and Andreas Bensegger (right)